BioBUDS (Building Up Developing Scientists) is a mutualistic educational experience between undergraduate and graduate students at Stanford University, where graduate instructors facilitate learning, professional development, and community building with undergraduate students from historically excluded backgrounds. BioBUDS achieves these goals through weekly journal clubs (selected by the journal club guest facilitator of the week) and professional panels and workshops (curated by the graduate instructors of the course). We continue and expand this graduate-initiated program, which seeks to strengthen community-building and collaboration across academic levels between diverse scientists and disciplines.

Co-founder and co-facilitator, Winter 2020-present. I created the flyer to the left for our pilot course.


The Graduate Coalition for Disability and Chronic/Mental Illness is to advocate, support, and empower graduate students in the Biosciences with Disability and/or chronic/mental illness. Graduate members of the Disability community and allies are encouraged to join!

Founder, Fall 2020-present. Connect with us here.